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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beauty Tips

Body Care | Skin care | Eye care | Lip care | Hair care

Body Care

  • Mix six-teaspoon petroleum jelly, two-teaspoon glycerin and two-teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this moisturizing lotion at least twice a week if you have dry and flaky, arms and legs

  • Peel and grate a cucumber. Squeeze the juice to this, mix half-a-teaspoon glycerin and half-a-teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns, leave it for some time.

  • If you have cracked heels, melt paraffin wax; mix it with little mustard oil and apply on the affected area. Leave it overnight. After 10 or 15 days, your heels will become smooth.

  • Massage your body with a mixture of coconut oil and any of your favourite scented oils like lavender or rosemary.

  • For rough palms, use a mixture of glycerin and limejuice in equal proportion.

  • For cracked heals, massage the foot with coconut oil and keep the foot in warm water for some time. Wipe the water off the feet and apply a mixture of hibiscus flower(10), Henna (1 handful) and juice of half a lemon. when dry wash it off.

  • Remove scars on your hands and feet by rubbing them with lemon peel.

Lip Care

  • You can mix one-tablespoon cranberry sauce juice with two tablespoons Vaseline for a delicious home made lip balm.

  • Apply the juice of lemon skin for avoiding black colour of lips

  • Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy lips.


The word 'manicure' is derived from the Latin word 'manus' (meaning -hand) cure (care).

Purpose of manicure

  1. Prevent hang - nail formation.

  2. Prevents nail damages like splits, tears, and fragile tips.

  3. The accompanying massage of the hands improve and increase the blood circulation, suppleness and flexibility of the hands and wrist.

  4. Discourages wrinkling of the skin on the hand, which is one of the first body part to show the sign of aging.


  • Nail cutter

  • nail filer

  • Orange stick

  • Cuticle pusher

  • Nail brush

  • Acetone

  • Liquid soap or shampoo

  • Oil or cream

  • Warm water

  • Antiseptic lotion

  • Nail polish


  1. Remove the old polish with acetone using cotton

  2. Shape the nail using nail cutter and nail filer

  1. Dip and soak the hands in luke warm water to which liquid soap or shampoo is added

  2. Wash the hand with cold clear water and then wipe fingers with a soft towel

  3. Clean the nail using orange stick and cotton dipped in Antiseptic lotion

  4. Buff the cuticle with some cream

  5. Push the cuticle back gently using cuticle pusher

  6. Massage the hands for five minutes

  7. Apply the first coat of nail polish

  8. When the first coat is dried and hard apply the second coat. Do not dab but stroke in on with three even strokes starting at the base and sweeping up to the top

  9. Allow to dry thoroughly in between the coats


Pedicure is the care of the feet, legs and toe nails

Purpose of pedicure

  • To keep the feet in good condition and to make the skin soft and smooth.

  • It improves blood circulation, nourishes the skin and the leg and foot muscles

  • It discourages food ailments.


  1. Nail cutter

  2. Nail filer

  3. Cuticle cutter

  4. Cuticle pusher

  5. Nail brush

  6. Orange stick

  7. Pumice stone

  8. Foot scrapper

  9. Two basins large enough for foot bath

  1. Acetone

  2. Liquid soap or shampoo

  3. Luke warm water

  4. Antiseptic lotion

  5. Oil or cream

  6. Nail polish

  7. Foot powder

  8. Hydrogen peroxide


  1. Remove the old nail polish using acetone with lotion

  2. File the nails and cut the nails if necessary.

  3. Place both the feet in Luke warm water containing liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide.

  4. Clean the foot using nail brush, foot scrapper and pumice stone.

  5. Remove the foot from the basin and clean thoroughly using a soft towel.

  6. With a cotton dipped in Antiseptic lotion and with the help of an orange stick apply the lotion under the free edge of each nail

  7. Buff the cuticle to soften the cuticle

  8. Loosen the cuticle back gently

  9. Massage the legs for five minutes

  10. Apply the first coat of nail polish and allow it to dry and then apply the second coat

Body Care

For making your body look at its beautiful best, top priority should be given to your heath and well being. Care for your body skin, enough sleep and exercise, relaxation - all make your body beautiful.

Beauty - Skin

Total beauty begins with beautiful skin that is clean, fresh and glowing. We are born with a smooth and soft skin. But with the passage of time the skin looses its fine texture, due to constant exposure to pollution, grime and the adversities of weather conditions. But with proper care, we can maintain the beauty of the skin.

To look gorgeous and graceful all that you have to do is spend little time every day for nourishing and caring for your skin. It is necessary to understand the nature of the skin to give it the proper care it needs. Using the right products for the skin, can keep the complexion fresh and clean. Knowing the type and texture of your skin is important for choosing the right products for your skin.

This section gives an insight about skin types and textures, their problems and treatment and natural masks for the different types of skin, to maintain a soft, smooth and radiant complexion.

Problems of the eyes and how to deal with it

Dark circles, Puffy eyes and Crow's-feet are the three main eye problems that can cloud an otherwise beautiful face.

If your eyes are puffy with dark shadows, it shows you are not getting enough sleep. One can get dark circles and puffy eyes if you had a late night out or didn't have a night's sleep or cried your heart out. But, you can make them fade fast.

Preventive methods

For dark circles :

  • Gently wash the face, then apply a skin tightening moisturizer around the eyes.

  • Grind a raw potato and add almond paste to it. Use the mixture regularly under the eyes to get rid of dark circles and puffiness.

  • Increase your daily intake of water to minimum 8 to10 glasses.

  • Apply fresh fig on the eyes.

  • Place two cucumber slices over the eyes and rest for 15 minutes or apply cucumber juice under the eyes.

  • Getting enough sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, can fade out dark circles

For puffy eyes :

  • The puffiness of the eyes can be reduced with a glass of ice water and four stainless steel spoons. Chill the spoons in the water and then place one over each eye. When the spoons become warm, switch them with the others chilling in the glass of water. Keep switching until you see improvement.

  • Settle down for two to five minutes with a chilled, steeped chamomile or green tea bag over each eye. The natural properties of these herbal teas helps to bring puffy eyes back down to size.

  • Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness and puffiness of eyes. Slice a large cucumber, reserve two slices to place over eyes. Peel and puree the remaining cucumber. This can be applied as a pack onto your face. Remove after fifteen minutes. Apply moisturiser thickly to seal in water.


Crow's-feet are those wrinkles or tiny lines at the corner of the eyes. Once it appears, it is difficult to make it fade. It can only be faded with the aid of injections or cosmetic surgery. It is better to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

  • Wear a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more to avoid the ultra violet rays of the sun which cause wrinkles on the skin.

  • Always wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun.

  • Sleeping on your back helps smooth out the wrinkles because gravity works to pull the skin backward. If

  • you cannot sleep on your back, at least try to switch sides frequently.

  • The skin below your eyes is thin and has few oil producing glands. So don't pull, tag or drag it as you apply and remove make up. Any time you apply cream or lotion, dab, don't rub.

  • Regular use of Retin-A cream, an acne product that exfoliates the skin, also improves the appearance of fine crow's-feet

Care & Exercises for the Eye

Vitamins A, B and C are very essential for the good care of the eyes. Milk, butter, cod liver oil, egg yolk, yellow and orange coloured vegetables such as pumpkin, carrot, tomato, mango, papaya, melon as well as green leafy vegetables such as celery, parsley, spinach etc contain a large amount of vitamin A. 8 to 10 hours of sleep is a must for bright eyes.

To avoid eye strain :

  • Do not work in dim light

  • Wear sunglasses whenever you step out in the sun

  • Use face wash instead of soap because soap tends to darken the skin on the eyelids.

  • Do not read continuously in moving vehicles.

  • Do not stare too tong at anything without blinking the eyes. Blinking provides lubrication and relief from light.

  • Do not rub the eyes too hard.

  • To give momentary relief to the eyes, close the eyes with your palms so that no light can enter. Now open the eyes in the palm cup and stare into this darkness for a minute.

Exercises for eyes :
  • Lift the eyes to the ceiling and then to the floor. Repeat it for 10 times. Rest the eyes either by blinking rapidly or rubbing your palms together and covering your eyes with them. Do not press the eyes. Palming reduces strain and gives relaxation to eyes.

  • Look straight ahead at eye level, then slowly to left side at eye level and then to right side at eye level. Repeat it for 3 or 4 times.

  • Make a circle, first clockwise and then anti-clockwise, with the eyes. Repeat for 5 times.

For eye care

Splash the eyes with cold water. Apply cotton wool pads, soaked in warm milk, witch hazel, weak tea solution or rose water on the eyes. Press gently and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.

Care for Eyebrows and Eyelashes :

  • Eyebrows and Eyelashes should be brushed daily with a small brush.

  • Rub eyebrows and eyelashes with olive oil or coconut oil or almond oil to encourage hair growth.

  • For cleansing and nourishment of eyebrows, rub them with a little egg white and rinse it off after 10 minutes.

For eye makeup choose the correct colours and shades to complement your personality. The choice of the eyeliner and mascara should be compatible with the natural eyelash colour. A right touch and right colour is needed for beautiful, attractive eyes.

Shapes of Eyes and how to enhance them with make up

There is a great amount of potential for enhancing what is unique about your eyes. It helps to identify the specific shape and setting of your eyes and to use specia lmake up techniques to bring out their beauty. The skillful application of eye makeup is an art. It's a way to express your feeling, your mood and your sense of style.

Wide-apart eyes

It tends to give your face an open, youthful appearance. This look can be intensified by applying the strongest eye makeup effects near the outer corner of the eye. Keep shadow uniform and within outer corners. Brush lashes straight up.

To make the eyes appear closer together,

  • Use more intense eye shadow colours near the inner corner of the eyes.

  • Line eyes completely – top and bottom – from inner to outer corners.

  • Apply a medium-toned shadow to lids and creases, concentrating the colour on the inner corners.

  • Use mascara generously, on both upper and lower lashes.

Close-set eyes

This eye have a dramatic, sultry look. It can be enhanced by concentrating colour near the eye's inner corners. Extend smoky shadow beyond outer corners to exaggerate them. Brush lashes out.

To make the eyes seem farther apart,

  • Apply the most intense colour near the outer corners of the eyes.

  • Line top and bottom of eyes in any colour, but begin drawing a quarter of the way out from the inner eye.

  • Smudge lines.

  • Dust a highlighter (or light-coloured eyeshadow) just below the outer corners of lower lashes to call attention to the outsides of eyes.

  • Brush mascara on to upper and lower lashes.

Evenly spaced eyes

These are about an eye's distance apart. They can be made to look special with many eye makeup looks.

Almond eyes

These are the most common eye shape with their upswept lift at the outer corner. These eyes calls for creativity. These eyes can be made to look deeper and more intense

Small eyes

They are proportionately smaller in comparison to the rest of the facial features. To enhance small eyes line upper and lower (never inside) eyes. Use pale, shimmery, eye shadow. Curl lashes.

To enlarge small eyes

  • Apply a medium-toned shadow (such as soft grey or blue) to the crease.

  • Use a soft-coloured liner (try taupe) on the top and bottom lash lines, extending the top line across the entire lash line and the bottom line from just under the iris to the outer corner.

  • Sweep black mascara on upper lashes.

  • Apply light shadow on the eyelids.

  • Apply more intense shades in the creases.

  • Add lift to the outer corners

Prominent eyes

These eyes which set far forward in the face tend to dominate the facial features. The eyelids are too pronounced. Medium to deep shades of shadow on the lids help to minimize their appearance. Liners applied to the lash bases from corner to corner gives prominent eyes a smoldering and mysterious look.

Hooded eyes

These eyes are set so the natural crease in the eyelid is not readily seen. Highlighting the brow bone and lining the lash base gives hooded eyes an alluring shape.

To enhance hooded eyes

  • Apply a medium to dark shadow on the crease and hooded area.

  • Sweep a lighter shadow on the brow bone and on the inside corner of the eye.

  • Draw a very thin line along the top lash line (to keep the eye looking open) and smudge
    with a cotton swab.

  • Apply black mascara to upper lashes.

  • Line upper lash-line only. Gradually soften shadow as you approach the brow.

Deep-set eyes

This seem to recede, need to be brought forward. The eyelid crease is set back so the area from the base of lashes to brow bone seems hidden. To enhance the deep-set eyes line upper and lower lids (never just upper). Choose light shadows -pale pink, peach or beige- of eye shadow. More intense shading on the brow bone also gives the eyes prominence.

Oriental eyes

These eyes have a distinctive lift at the corner and have very little lid. The depth of the eyes can increase by deep shades of eye shadow and the dimension can be increased by applying eyeliner as close as possible to the lash base.

To Enhance Bulging eyes :

  • Draw a fairly thick line all the way across the top lash line with a brown or black pencil.

  • Apply a medium to dark shadow on the lid and in the crease. (As on the body, dark colour makes the features recede.)

  • Finish with a coat of black mascara on both upper and lower lashes.


Eyes are your most exciting and expressive facial feature. A woman's eyes are her best beauty asset and they express moods and emotions. The simplest and the most dramatic way to enhance your appearance is to play up your eyes with make up.

The skin around the eyes is the first to show signs of ageing as they develop wrinkles faster. Too much strain on your eyes or sickness takes away some of the beauty and brightness of your eyes. However, a little care and using the right beauty products and techniques one could have beautiful eyes.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Nehal's liver transplant surgery by the third week of June.

Baby at Apollo Hospital in need of help
"An eleven-month-old baby, Nehal, is fighting for his life at the Apollo hospital in Delhi."

I wanted to inform that, at last long awaited surgery of ailing baby "Nehal" is now slated to be performed on 24th June. As we all aware that the surgery is most complicated let us pray to the almighty that the efforts of the "Dr. Subash Gupta's, team will be successful".

Nehal has been battling chronic jaundice since he was born. He has been admitted to the hospital. Nehal is responding well and is gaining weight. We all are wishing for Nehal to be healthy so that his surgery can be performed.

His doctors at Apollo hospital are performing his operation free of cost.
Nehal's liver transplant surgery by the third week of June will be done by one of the best liver transplant surgeon "Dr Subash Gupta".