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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease ::

Parkinson's disease, also known as paralysis agitans or shaking palsy, is a serious chromatic disease of the nervous system. It is characterized by stiffness of muscles and a continual tremor or shake. It is a disease of the extra pyramidal system.

Symptoms ::

The description of the disease originally given by Dr. James Parkinson of Shoreditch in 1817 is as follows: 'Involuntary tremulous motion, with lessened muscular power, in parts not in action and even when supposed, with a propensity to bend the trunk forwards, and to pass from a walking to a running pace, the senses and intellect being uninjured'. The patient shows a combination of tremors of the limbs and muscular stiffness. These tremors are more noticeable when the patient is at rest, and tent to disappear when he attempts to move or when he is asleep. The tremors are more pronounced, when he is excited or fatigued.

Causes ::

Parkinson's disease may follow sever attack of encephalitis or some type of poisoning, such as carbon monoxide. In older patients, this type of palsy may be due to hardening of the arteries in certain vessels leading to the brain. In most cases, however, the disease begins to show itself in later middle age, and is considered to be a consequence of 'degeneration', particularly in the basal ganglia. Parkinson's disease may also result from deficiency of antioxidant Vitamin E earlier in life.

Treatment ::

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of this disease.

"A stay at any naturopathy hospital, expert doctors on naturopathy and yoga treat you with natural foods , yoga and your daily schedule during your stay". Below is an example of daily routine at naturopathy hospital.

The Schedule ::
Time Activity
5 AM -5. 15 AM Morning wake up with Tanasan, Relaxation, Holy & Healthy creative auto suggestion.
5. 15 -6.45 AM Meditation, Prayer, Amritvani, Jalneti, Walking therapy, Kunjal, Dhouti, Basti and THERAPY as required (according to ailment)
6. 45 -7. 00 AM Lemon Juice, Honey and water or Methi and water.
7. 00 -8. 30 AM Yoga
8. 30 -9. 00 AM Swasthya Sadhak's Breakfast, with Juice or Fruit therapy
9.00- 11.30AM Treatment for ailment / Rejuvenation (various therapies)
11. 30-12. 30PM Lunch - Vitalizing food therapy
12. 30 -2. 30PM Relaxation (body, speech and mind), silent relaxed awareness
2. 30 -3. 00PM Fruits or Juice Therapy
3. 00 -6. 45PM Treatment for ailment / Rejuvenation Juice of Fruit Therapy
6. 45PM- 7.45PM Dinner - Treatment or Vitalizing food Therapy
7.45 PM-8.00PM After dinner vajrasan or slow walking or Relaxation
8.00- 10.00PM Group Therapy - (satsang or group dsicussion or self awareness
10.00PM Go to bed with noble spiritual silence

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