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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yoga for Pregnancy Woman

Yoga is a simple technique that toughens the body to tackle new developments with maximum ease and comfort, through nature's most inexpensive and easy ways. Yoga, which means union of mind and body, makes people look within themselves and understand the body mechanism. A pregnant woman who does not know the mechanics of labour will be tense and frightened during the period, which only increases the pain. Yoga serves as a preparatory technique for pregnant women. Here are some tips for pre-natal (pregnancy) care:
Vajrasana: Sit with knees folded and place the hips on the heels. Maintain a straight back. Relax the hands on knees. This asana is good for digestion especially at a time when the enlarged uterus reduces the space in the intestine, which can make digestion difficult.
Padmasana: This is also called the Lotuspose. Sit straight-backed with legs outstretched in front. Place the right foot on the upper thigh (nearly touching the stomach) and the left foot on the right thigh. Sit in this position for about 3-5mins.
Sukhasana: This is a simple squat on the floor. This asana not only straightens the back but is also an ideal preventive against menstrual disorders in the pre-pregnancy and post-delivery periods.

Deep or free breathing (in and out) at the rate of 5 breaths per minute also contributes to relaxation as compared to the normal rate of 18-20 breaths per minute.

Most of these exercises create freeness or loosen the abdominal cavity and thus improve the movement of the uterus. It is very important to remove the stiffness of the uterus that occurs if it rests only in one position. An enema is advised once a week to make way for proper elimination from the intestine. A mild oil massage on the whole body or just the abdomen and a cold hipbath improve circulation of blood.

The hipbath can be taken only till the first 6 months.

Avoid all hot treatments during pregnancy (hot hip, body bath and hot drinks).

5. On the diet front, spices, salts, sweets and fat should be drastically reduced. Starchy foods in moderation and plenty of fruits, vegetables, juices, curd, buttermilk and sprouts are ideal. It is preferable to avoid foods that take a long time to digest like non-vegetarian food and milk. Because of the property of salts to retain water, it can lead to high blood pressure and swelling of the feet. Minimum intake of salt is recommended.

6. In the first months, recurring nausea and vomiting are normal physiological problems. This is because of 'Abdominal Regurgitation' when the digestive system moves up instead of the normal downward movement. The only remedy is to take a glass of warm water to provoke the vomit instead of suppressing it, and then lie down in Shavasana breathing slowly. One might stop eating at such a time but if an enema is taken, it will give relief and regular meals can be continued.


  • Eat for two - It is simple logic that the gut size reduces with the increasing size of the uterus. Thus it is difficult for the system to digest food for one, leave alone two.

  • Cold foods should not be taken after delivery - Juices in fact should be taken after delivery.

  • Ghee should be had after delivery - A myth in the northern states. It makes it even more difficult to lose all that accumulated fat.

  • Less water should be had to avoid bloating and the woman should remain at home - This is a common myth in the south. The mother should be exposed to fresh air instead.

  • Don't move or exert physically during pregnancy - Movement, as mentioned above, is absolutely necessary.

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