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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Explore Your Relationship with The Law of Abundance

This or any principle is useless to you unless you explore it for yourself and understand your relationship with it. Only then can you truly align yourself with it and consciously experience the power of it. From that point on, there are no limits to your abundance.
Law of Abundance
At the core of The Law of Abundance is this:
“You’ve already been given everything.”
Law of Abundance
You may choose to word this differently, but find the statement that brings the most light into your consciousness when you say it, then repeat this to yourself. “I have already been given everything. It is already here and available to me.” Every time you’ve had a contrast in your life between what you’ve experienced and what you’d like to experience, your creative energy has summoned the fulfillment of your desire to you vibrationally. In other words, it is already here for you! To manifest it and see it, align yourself with it. 

Law of AbundanceIf you notice that your mind springs up to contradict the statement, don’t fight it, but don’t follow it either. Just return to your statement for The Law of Abundance, “I have already been given everything.” Eventually you’ll feel a relief that may be fleeting at first. Revel in that relief. Indulge in it and it will grow. Allow that feeling to wash through your body. The more you savor and indulge in the relief, you will literally feel your vibrations change from lack to abundance. You’ll go from relief to joy, excitement and gratitude.
As you go about your day, whenever you remember, repeat your phrase to yourself. 

As you continue to consciously acclimate to The Law of Abundance by repeating your statement, you’ll notice changes in your perspective of life. At first it is like suddenly finding out that you were gifted at birth with a very large, beautiful, and magical home. You’ve only just now learned of this inheritance, although it has always been yours. Because the home is so much bigger than what you’ve been used to living in, at first it might be just too enormous to believe it is actually yours to live in. 

Intrigued, you go and visit it every day and you begin to explore the rooms, getting to know and feel this exciting new home. You start imagining what you can do in this new home and your creative juices start flowing. Gradually you start spending weekends there. After awhile you’re ready to move in but there are so many rooms to the house, that much of it is still new territory for you. The more you explore, the more there is to explore. The house keeps expanding the more that you walk around and explore it. Eventually, you get used to the idea that there will always be exciting new realms to this home, and your life becomes an exciting new adventure. 

Getting consciously used to The Law of Abundance and the fact that you’ve already been given everything is very similar. As you repeat your version of the “I’ve already been given everything” statement, you will take on the vibration of the reality of it. The more that we contemplate and work with this concept that we’ve already been given everything, we worry less and see things from a different perspective. Our ability to imagine greater abundance increases, and therefore our receptivity to abundance increases also. This strengthens our trust and faith that everything has already been given to us, which makes us vibrate even more in alignment with The Law of Abundance.

Law of Abundance
Signs That You Are Aligning
With The Law of Abundance
Outpourings of love and connection with people,
animals and nature, accompanied by feelings
of lightness and harmony with all of life.
Joy and gratitude well up and overflow.
Exciting abundance avenues open up.
Sudden insights, realizations and all manner
of "good things" come your way as simultaneously
you have strong urges to share all you've been given.
Law of Abundance