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Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Cataract: Cataract is an abnormal clouding of the lens in the eye. Mostly older people are affected by cataract. It can be occurred in one or both eyes and can not transmit from one lens to the other lens. It is a painless disease in the eye. It can affect the vision. Light rays cannot enter an eye with a clouding in the lens.

Types of cataracts:

On the basis of location:

  • Anterior polar cataract
  • Nuclear cataract
  • Posterior polar cataract
  • Anterior cortical cataract

On the basis of etiology:

  • Congenital cataract
  • Traumatic cataract
  • Age-related cataract
  • Secondary cataract

Causes of cataracts:

Aging of the eye is the main common cause of the cataract. Cataract develop from medications, family history, eye injuries, any previous surgery of eye, health problem such as diabetes, exposure to sun rays for a long period and use alcohol and smoking. Sometimes genes can be developing cataract.

Symptoms of a cataract:

  • Bad vision at night.
  • Multiple images and double vision in the affected eye.
  • Abnormal cloudy of the lens in the eye.
  • Fading of colors
  • Changes in contact lenses and eyeglasses.

Diagnosis of cataract:

Tonometry: It is an instrument which is used to measures the pressure inside the affected eye. Numbing drops will be recommended by the doctor for the diagnose.

Slit-lamp examination: slit lamp is ophthalmoscope and it uses light to find iris, lens, cornea and area between cornea and iris. Slit is used by the doctor to see the structures and it may help to find any abnormalities in the eye.

Visual acuity test: How clearly you see and sharpness of vision can be detected by acuity test. In visual acuity test, health care providers examine to see how clearly and easily a patient read letters from the chart. During the test, when eye is opened and one eye is covered.

Retinal examination: In this test, dilating drops is putting by the health care provider to open pupils. Special device can be used to determine the signs and symptoms of a cataract. A patient with cataract has difficulty to see at night and other eyes problems, then glaucoma will be checked by the eye doctor.


Surgery is the effective treatment for a cataract. In surgery, abnormal clouded lens will removed and clear lens implant instead of affected lens. Exercise, dietary supplements, medications and optical devices are not cured for a cataract. You can be used following ways to fight against symptoms and signs of a cataract:-

  • Use only magnifying glasses during reading.
  • Don’t drive at night.
  • Use accurate prescription contact lenses and eyeglasses.
  • Wear sunglasses when go outside at day time.


  • Smoking is not good for health and it makes free radicals, therefore don’t smoke.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Don’t expose yourself to ultraviolet ray for a long period.
  • Take care of yourself. If you have other health problems such as diabetes, treatment should be taken.
  • Minimize the watching T.V., reading and driving.

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