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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer: Cervical cancer is commonly affected women. Human papillomavirus is the main cause of cervical cancer. It is in the cervix, a lower part of the uterus. A baby born in uterus during pregnancy. Birth canal produced by the cervix. The doctor will be recommended the coloscopy test in case of changes in the cervix cells. Colposcope device is used by the doctor to examine the cells of the cervix and vagina. Pap test screening is very effective and it has reduced the death rate from this disease.

Types of cervical cancer:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Adenocarcinoma

Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer:

  • Bleeding from vagina during menstrual periods or after menopause.
  • Blood may be watery and heavy which drain from vagina.
  • Stubborn pain or pelvic pain.

Risk factors:

Sexual activity: Increase in HPV by having sexual activity before the age of 18 years.

Weak immune system: Cervical cancer may be developing by the weak immune system and infection with HPV.

Multiple sexual partners: If a person has many sexual partners, this is very risky of getting the HPV.

Smoking: smoking is not good for health. Cervical cancer can be developed by using tobacco.

Other serious diseases: If a patient who has gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS, syphilis and Chlamydia like diseases, then there is a chance to get cervical cancer.


Pap test: Pap test is recommended by the doctor for diagnosis of cervical cancer. In Pap test, doctor takes the slide for abnormal cells and sends it to a lab for examination. This slide is examined by a cytotechnologist.

HPV DNA Test: HPV DNA test is a laboratory test which is used to determine the infection of HPV. In this test abnormal cells are collecting by the doctor and send it for laboratory testing.


Laser surgery: Laser surgery is very effective and expensive. In this test, beam of light passes to kill abnormal cells.

Cryosurgery: This is very effective to remove the precancerous and cancerous cells.

Conization and Hysterectomy: Conization is a simple surgery, but hysterectomy is a major surgery. Both surgeries may help to remove the precancerous and cancerous areas.

Loop electrosurgical excision procedure: LEEP stands for Loop electrosurgical excision procedure. Wire loop is used to transmit electrical current. This technique may help to remove the abnormal cells from cervix.

Radical trachelectomy: It is used to remove the abnormal cells from cervix and uterus. Radiation is also used to killing the cancer cells.

Chemotherapy: chemotherapy includes anti-cancer drugs. These drugs are also removed cancer cells.


  • Wearing condoms during sexual activities.
  • Minimize the sexual activities.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Have a single partner.
  • Have a pap test according to the age and sexual activities.

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