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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus: Diabetes mellitus is type of chronic disorder with hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia can be affected the kidneys, heart, nerves, eyes and blood vessels. This is commonly found in adolescence and childhood. This disease is caused by increase in sugar levels in the blood cells.

Improper use of insulin by the body in case of diabetes. Insulin is developed in the pancreas. Food is converted into energy by insulin. Person who has diabetes mellitus does not produce more insulin. In addition, that is why there is more sugar occurs in blood.

Types of diabetes mellitus:

Type I diabetes mellitus

Type II diabetes mellitus

Type I diabetes mellitus: It is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. It is commonly occur in young adults and children. In this type no insulin are made by the pancreas. People with type I diabetes mellitus would be survived by taking regular injections of insulin. It can be treated by changes in lifestyles, insulin injections, and controlling of blood glucose levels.

Type II diabetes mellitus: It is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. It is a serious problem. Level of blood sugar increased due to lack of insulin. Medications for type II diabetes mellitus are used to reduce the level of blood sugar and decrease the absorption of carbohydrates.


Insufficient production of insulin is the main cause of diabetes mellitus. Sometimes, improper use of insulin and production of defective insulin are also developing diabetes mellitus. This disease affected the fat tissues and muscle cells. Lack of insulin affecting the beta cells in pancreas.


  • Excessive fatigue
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • High amounts of glucose in urine.
  • Low body weight
  • Dehydration
  • Infections of bladder and vaginal area.
  • Smell of acetone on the patient’s breath
  • Polyuria
  • Severe pain

Diagnosis for diabetes mellitus:

Health care provider to detection of diabetes mellitus will recommend fasting blood glucose method. Doctor will take a blood sample and send it to laboratory. 70 to 110 mg/dl is the normal range for blood glucose. A person with diabetes, if the range of blood glucose is over 140 mg/dl. The doctor will suggest sometimes-random blood glucose test. Oral glucose tolerance test is also used to detect the diabetes mellitus.

Treatment for diabetes mellitus:

Type I diabetes mellitus will be treated with exercise, insulin, and diabetic diet. Sometimes oral medications are also used to control the blood sugars. Diabetes diet is effective to control blood sugar. Avoid large amount of sugar. Take only balanced diet and nutritious diet.

Home remedies for diabetes mellitus:

Kerala is the best vegetable. Take 1-2 tablespoons of kerala juice regularly.

Take one tablespoon of amla and a full cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice. Mix well and take regularly.

Take ten leaves of neem, tulsi, and belpatras. Make a paste with a cup of water. Take it early in the morning before eating food.

Prevention of diabetes mellitus:

  • You should change in behavior.
  • You should do exercise such as walking regularly.
  • You should make chart for balanced diet.
  • You should avoid sugar.

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