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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Essential Oils-Part1

Name : Basil Oil (Tulsi) (Ocimum Sanctum)
Essential oil by steam distillation from the flowering herb.
Use : Use it help in insect bites, pains coughs, earache, sinusitis, scanty period,
colds, infectious disease, depression etc. It is considered as invigorating oil,
excellent choice to diffuse in the mornings.
Safety Data: is non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitizing in some individuals due to its
eugenol content. Avoid during pregnancy and use sparingly.

Name : Bay Leaf Oil (Pimento Racemosa)
Essential oil by steam distillation or water distillation from the leaves.
Use: It is beneficial in scalp stimulation, greasy and lifeless hair, pains,
infectious diseases etc. used for many years in soaps, cosmetics, colognes etc.
Safety Data: Moderately toxic due to its high eugenol content- a mucous membrane
irritant. Use in moderation only.

Name : Bergamot Oil (Citrus Bergamia)
Essential oil by cold expression of the peel of nearly ripe fruits
Use: May help in oily complexions, wounds, boils, mouth infections, anxiety and
stress related conditions, scabies and infectious disease. Said to have a
calming effect
Safety Data: Non-toxic and non-irritant, but extremely phototoxic. Use very carefully. It
may increase the skins reaction to sunlight and make it more likely to burn.

Name : Black Pepper oil (Piper Nigrum)
Essential oil by steam distillation from the dried & crushed peppercorn.
Use : It helps in diarrohea, loss of appetite, cold, coughs, Flatulance, pains and
poor circulation.
Safety Data : It is non- toxic, non-sensitizing, irritant in high concentration due to it’s

Name : Cardamomum oil (Ellettaria Cardamomum)
Essential oil by steam distillation from dried ripe seeds.
Use : It is beneficial in mental fatigue, nervous strain, indigestion, vomiting,
griping pains, colic, cramps etc. Extensively used as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes, especially in the oriental types.
Safety Data: It is non-toxic, non-irritant and non0sensitizing.

Name: Cedar wood oil (Cedrus Deodara)
Essential oil by steam distillation or water distillation from wood stumps
and saw-dust
Use: It help in acne, dandruff, dermatitis, fungal infections, skin eruption, hair loss, ulcers& pains. It’s excellent insect repellant oil.
Safety Data: It is non-toxic, Non sensitizing and non-irritant. Avoid during pregnancy.

Name: Chamomile oil (Matricaria Recutica)
Essential oil by steam distillation from the flower heads.
Use: It is an excellent choice when it comes to soothing frayed nerves.
Chamomile is one of the gentlest of the oils. It has a deep, pungent, earthy
floral aroma. Ideal for stiff swollen joints and muscles-in a warm
compress. Chamomile is soothing, Calming and anti inflammatory. It is
useful in case of insomnia, migraine, headaches and stress related
complaints. It also helps in acne, allergies, hair care, inflammations,
rashes, wound sensitive skin, pains, strains, nausea, insomnia etc.
Safety Data: It is non-toxic, non-irritant, may cause dermatitis in some individuals.
Should be avoided by those who ragweed and pollen allergies.

Name: Cinnamon Leaf oil (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum)
Essential oil by steam distillation or water distillation from leaves and
Use: It help in scabbies, poor circulation, rheumatic pains, sluggish digestion,
scanty periods, colds, infectious diseases etc.
Safety Data: Leaf oil is non toxic but possibly irritant. Due to its strong aroma &
potency use in m oderation as eugenol is present in the oil.

Name : Citriodora Oil (Eucalyptus Citriodora)
Essential oil by steam distillation from leaves and twigs.
Use : May help in cuts, dandruff, herpes, insect repellant, candid, fever, hair
loss. Extensively used in floorwash and perfumes
Safety Data: It is non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitizing in some individuals.

Name : Citronella Oil (Cymbopogan Nardus)
Essential oil by steam distillation from fresh and partially dried grass.
Use : It is an excellent insect and mosquito repellent, useful for oily skin,
excessive perspiration. Extensively used in floorwash and perfumes.
Safety Data: It is non-toxic, non-irritant, may cause dermatitis in some individuals.
Avoid during pregnancy.

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